Comments on: Can I Laugh at a Dead Man, Part 2 lifelog :: art, theology, tech, politics Wed, 08 Aug 2012 19:01:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matthew Sun, 04 Jul 2010 21:18:08 +0000 For what it’s worth, John Frame (notable reformed theologian) opines that suicide is a sin, but forgivable, as is the nature of sin. He relates the story of a friend of his who struggled with that temptation and ultimately gave in, but he (Frame) believes his salvation through the blood of Christ was not somehow nullified by his sin, and expects to see him in glory.

By: Caleb Blume Fri, 02 Jul 2010 12:35:14 +0000 Dear friend,

I did not wish to reveal my vast quantity of knowledge by using Augustine, but, I guess you forced me. A lot of people back then praised others who committed suicide for spites sake, and Augustine explained suicide is the Antichrist, bar none. Now, self-sacrifice is completely different. Why? Because, in the U.S. of A. suicide is illegal, jumping on hand-grenades to save buddies is praised. Sampson was not a good person to bring up. Apart from the fact that he did suffer for his sin, being blinded and all that, he was not the greatest role model. But, yes, letting yourself die in order to kill the enemies of God or save the friends of God is a good thing. That is why their was so much war in Israel.
I think the best example to show the difference would be between Judas and Jesus. Judas decided to commit the Antichrist sin, while Jesus let Himself die for all our sakes, thus committing the ultimate good. In other words, suicide is the opposite of self-sacrifice. Greater love have no man, and all that. No man, meaning even martyrs take a back seat, and they’re pretty high up there.
To conclude, I’d like to apologize for being misunderstood. I must have been very unclear. Hoops was NOT the movie, I think it was Hudson … something or other. I still can’t quite remember.

By: Archie Fri, 02 Jul 2010 01:02:53 +0000 Caleb, thank you for responding to my questions. I trust that you have read Augustine of Hippo’s thoughts and other relevant theologians and, with that in mind, I was a little surprised at your response. Carefully disregarding Sampson’s act against the Philistines (and the five other biblical examples I could find), I think of a man who killed himself saving a SEAL team from and IUD. There are certainly many, many accounts of others killing themselves (suicide) to save others. How many other scenarios might exist where one’s sacrifice of oneself for the life of others might exist? I do not condone the self pitying, selfish act of self-murder. Depression changes a person but does not justify self-murder. But how about self sacrifice? Is that not suicide? Or, is suicide a name given to the “sin” act of self-murder? This is really not that complicated but we try so hard to make it so. I appreciated your comment, Suicide is always direct and embittered rebellion to the very nature of God as far as Christians are concerned. It is, as it were, a second fall, not that one loses salvation, but that they disregard their salvation so they can say, “I did it MY way.”” I wonder about your use of the word “always” and think more definitions of terms are in order. Interested in your thoughts. BTW: not even thinking about it :-) Just dialoguing.
