Comments on: Thoughts on death lifelog :: art, theology, tech, politics Wed, 08 Aug 2012 19:01:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matthew Hurley Mon, 06 Dec 2010 10:15:18 +0000 I distinctly remember commenting on this to the effect that John Frame, noteworthy theologian, treats suicide like any other sin: forgivable, covered by the blood of Christ. He relates the story of a friend of his who struggled with that temptation and finally gave into it, but he has no doubt he was a born-again Christian and will be there in heaven. I don’t know where my comment went, but there’s that, for what it’s worth…

By: Archie Wed, 30 Jun 2010 01:37:27 +0000 I appreciate the thoughts here on death and would like to see a follow-up on your thoughts on the topic of suicide. As you know, we recently lost “one of our own” professing brothers to a terrible death. This is worth considering. How does the believer reconcile God’s sovereignty and the suicide of a professing believer. There are some excellent historical anecdotes to consider and, I have my thoughts, but look forward to yours.

By: Matthew Hurley Sun, 20 Jun 2010 04:29:51 +0000 Good to hear, Caleb. I agree with what you said, but wanted to note the other aspects of a Christian perspective on death.

By: Caleb Sat, 19 Jun 2010 18:15:19 +0000 You hit the nail straight on the head my friend.
