Category Archives: tech

The application of science. In many ways.

20 Things I Learned

The Google Chrome Team wrote a small book about browsers and the web. It’s a basic introduction to browsers and the modern web, well written and easily readable. It’s also designed and published using HTML5, no Flash needed. Thus, you should grab a modern browser like Chrome or Firefox and then enjoy the book in […]

Say Hello to My Little Friend

The XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System, firing 25mm air-bursting shells up to 2,300 feet. What’s so good about this little rifle-sized grenade launcher, you say? Oh, nothing much, only that it can take out hidden targets. Hidden, out of sight ones. Like, now you don’t see it, now you do. In flames. This baby […]

Review: Spyderco Endura 4 Wave

Back in mid-January, I ordered and received a Spyderco Endura 4 Wave, and, while I wanted to review it right then and there, I decided to wait until I’d tested it a bit more. That time has come. “Spyderco is a company, founded in 1978 by Sal Glesser and based in Golden, Colorado, U.S.A., that […]

Enjoy web reading with Readability

Though you may not know it, there’s a lot of stuff worth reading on the web.1 Unfortunately, unlike books or magazines, it can be kind of hard to read. Take this screencap of an article on The Weekly Standard. All those flashy colors on the sidebar make it hard to concentrate, especially since your eyes hit […]