Tag Archives: language

Christian contemporary

Just a note about Christian Contemporary music. I personally am disgusted by the vast majority of music in this category. As Mr. Tollefson has often told us students at Providence, the medium must fit the message. So often Christian contemporary is just Godified paganism. They hear the secular music of the day and set out […]

There are Some Words You Don’t Want to Eat.

I recently watched the movie “Snatch”; a movie about a diamond heist, illegal boxing and British gypsies. If that sounds confusing, it was. But what was even more confusing was the movie’s rating. Though this movie was violent, it was not so much so as to warrant the R rating it received, it was the […]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.com

Loremipsumdolorsitamet.com is no longer online. At least not in it’s proper form. However, you can view a copy right here. As the page says upon clicking the [info…] link, “Purely coded in JavaScript. This means you can save this page locally (File → Save As…) for offline use.” Or, online use in a different place. […]