Category Archives: politics

Love LGBTers the same

Since yesterday happened to be National Coming Out Day, I took the opportunity (albeit a day late) to express my thoughts on the topic. My number one point is: we should love lesbians, gays, bi- and transexuals the same as everybody else. They don’t deserve to be despised or hated. In most ways, they are exactly like […]

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One person saying something is a minnow in the sea. 10,000 people saying the same thing is a leviathan. Don’t be discouraged, you can make a difference. The USA is still a free country. The millions who defy apathy—they are the ones that make the difference. You can be one of them. Bad officials are […]

No Power Since 2002… B.C.

Good morning, my friends! And if you are not my friend, don’t tell me, I like a false sense of security. Today, we head to the middle east, but not about the war. This is serious! In Afghanistan, after years of rebuilding, many still do not have electricity! We know this, because the news tells […]

What are they Building, an Ice-cream Tower?

Good morning America! Time to wake up and smell the Turkish coffee. I know this is a late report over old news, but… ahem, “Republican candidates around the country seized on President Barack Obama’s support for the right of Muslims to build a mosque near ground zero, assailing him as an elitist who is insensitive […]